I am a firm believer that the devil will do anything he can to hinder the will of God in our lives. He prowls around like a lion, looking to feast. (Peter 5:8) In the smallest of ways the ruler of this world corners our lives as he tries to keep us from engagement with Christ. While attempting to stop the flow of communication with Spirit the dark one steals our thoughts of heavenly things and thoughts on God Himself. Moving closer in the truth of our Lord is always a rejoiceful thing, it brings awareness, change, and if you let Him, a peaceful joy. However, becoming more involved with God also makes the devil angry. Then, when the devil gets angry he pulls out every trick in the book to make us doubt, question, worry, complain, ignore, act a fool, and the list goes on… I’m starting to realize that if life’s a game, we’re not just praying offense in the coming of kingdom, but we’re praying defense against the enemy as well.
The enemy has been no stranger in my life. Each time I become more aware of the Saviors love, the devil attacks my thoughts along with my surroundings. Last week I admittedly fell more in love with our triune Creator. I testified to the powerful engagement I had with Christ, and the many blessed things He’s allowed me to see. I expressed gratitude of Spirit, allowing Him to lead the way, and partook in conversations of advancement. As others shared in this time with me, the devil also caught wind that the good Lord and I were having such a beautiful time. So what did that devil do? He did what he does best. He got in the way.
This is how he started. Two days into my trip to Jerusalem I stopped praying for my meals aloud and by the end of my trip there was even a meal where I didn’t think to pray at all. It’s unusual for me not to pray for a meal. I enjoy verbally including the Lord in our presence and giving Him praise for His provisions, but the devil knows this so he made it somewhat uncomfortable for me to do. After a week of being in continual talk with the Lord the devil filled my thoughts with timetables and hurdles. He fought hard to keep God’s plan from functioning as he interrupted my conversation of guidance. Though I was still praying this past week, it was marginal and brief. Though prayer was still present, I believe it’s timed involvement made difference.
I can’t say for certain that talking to God more this past seven days would have made any difference or that not talking to Him brought on a few choice emotions but I can say that I noticed a small change. The devil knows what the flesh enjoys, he’s attractive, he’s alluring, and he’s watching us. He played on my insecurities this week despite wonderful blessings I’ve received. He made me angry regardless of the love I felt. Though the devil may have inconvenienced me this week in the ways that he kept me from sharing a prayer with a friend, or prevented me from exchanging goodbyes, our God made my time so special. Even though I can recognize the work of the devil this past week I know that God came out the victor. Our good Father introduced me to some more wonderful new people, he showed up in a meaningful conversation, and kept me safe in my loneliness.
Christ made it possible for me to see a different way of life and connect in a way that felt like home. I was introduced to family and experienced revelatory things. It’s funny to me… Last week I mentioned I was praying to God for revelations of new and this week I report He‘s done just that. God works quickly in the lives of those engage in a relationship with Him. He does not hold back. He provides for our needs and gifts those who commune with Him. Unconditionally Christ gives to the desires of our heart, fills us with His love, and wants what’s best for us. I believe the good Lord used all the devils tricks this week to further His beautiful plan of purpose. I’m thankful for the endurance, grace (both giving and receiving), and knowledge of His mystery.
It puzzles me to question why God allows the devil to infect this world. It hurts me to think about lives who are unaware or disregard the truth of spiritual warfare. I’m apologetic when I meet those who have been introduced to Christ with a lie or bad roots. Nevertheless it’s the purpose of the Truth that keeps me going, it’s the message of compassion, and the realization of worth. It’s the Good News that we are loved eternally, the sense of fulfillment in thinking of others, and the powerful displays of prayer that keep me joyful. Experiencing God is something like no other and everyday we have access to His glory. Though the devil may be out for blood, Christ already gave His.
Keeping a positive outlook, being in good spirits, and maintaining helpful speech, can be hard to do. But our good friend Paul says, “let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up. So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone.” (Galatians 6:9-10a) We have the opportunity everyday to thank God for what He’s constantly giving us. We have access to intimacy with Him, the ability to speak with Him, and the choice of joy. Let us not be deceived by the enemy into thinking otherwise. Let us not be distracted by the thoughts of this world or get lost in the idea of self, but may we continue to grow in the act of giving and become generous in prayer. With these things I close in Jesus’ name. Amen!